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Epp Kärsin: Balance and self-awareness – the beauty secrets of a happy woman!

Kaire Miiter

Awareness and pleasure coach Epp Kärsin has been a fan of Magrada since the birth of the brand. We finally managed to get this extremely inspiring and fascinating interview with her and we recommend it to everyone who wants to bring more beauty and love into their daily life.

‘I have my own mission. Today, I am absolutely certain that this mission is saving the world with love!’ Epp has said – and that is entirely true. When you interview her, time seems to stop and you focus on the most essential things – the beauty and love around us. In the interview, Epp describes her self-care routines in greater detail, recalls the beauty problems that she has had to face, names her greatest inspiration in the world of beauty, and reveals what makes the allure of men/women disappear the fastest. Naturally, the interview also contains some spicier recommendations for improving the quality of (sex) life!

Dear Epp, how would you introduce yourself? How would you describe yourself?

I feel that I am first and foremost a teacher of pleasures and awareness – all I share comes through this lens. To be completely honest, I should start from the very beginning. As a child, I was already interested in sexual topics, and fortunately, there were books about this at home. Therefore, I am grateful to my parents because they let me explore this realm without shame or embarrassment.

Everything I have done and experienced in life has prepared me to be who I am and what I do today. Sex and sexuality – I wish that people would understand that this is the most wonderful part of life. Living your life as you dream and desire is awareness with great power.

Being aware of your sexuality helps to make braver choices in life that are right for us. Some years ago, I wanted to find out the state of sexual education in Estonian schools, so I visited nearly one hundred schools at my own expense and gave free lectures. Today, I do not do that anymore. However, the situation has changed so much that schools contact me now, because pupils want to hear my lecture. A reform of sexual education is needed in Estonian schools – one of my big dreams is filling this void.

Epp Kärsin

This is fascinating. The work you do is truly excellent! However, when talking about beauty, who have been the greatest role models for you in beauty? Who did you admire as a child?

My cousin Merle was a true beauty queen for me. Her makeup rituals, jewellery boxes, clothes, shoes – all of it was captivating. She was a little older and whenever I visited her in Võru, watching her beauty rituals was fascinating. The way she did her hair, framed her eyes with a liner, and did the rest of her makeup. It was like magic – all the cosmetic products, jewellery, and nice things. They took me to another dimension. I could not wait to grow up and be like her and have my own dressing table, jewellery, lotions, and perfumes! Just like a real woman!

Epp Kärsin

How many cosmetic products do you use in your skin and body care? What do you mainly look for when selecting products?

I must say that Kaire (creator of the Magrada brand) has educated me the most in this domain. She has taught me which components can be in a beauty product and which ones I should avoid. It is unbelievable how many parabens, silicones, and other harmful substances can be in a cosmetic product. I still have room for growth. Not everything I use is natural, but I am moving towards that.

For this reason, I mainly use only Magrada products now. My particular favourite is the Algae line. I could not believe that something could work so well! It makes my skin heavenly and silky and helps lose centimetres in areas where they otherwise simply refuse to disappear.

My favourite scent has always been jasmine, so naturally, the Jasmine Body Cream is one of my favourites!

Magrada jasmiini kehakreem

Could you share with us some of the beauty concerns that you have had to face? How did you find a solution?

I have had to shed plenty of tears because of my hair. After I had COVID, it was in such a terrible state that I had to cut off my lovely thick hair. For me, hair is a source of pride for women, and when I lost it, I felt like I lost a part of myself. I bought every single serum and shampoo and conditioner I could think of after reading the reviews and learning about everything that would revitalise my hair. Nothing helped. I kept losing it by the handfuls so my scalp was visible through the thinning strands and my temples were bare. However, Kaire came along and recommended that I try the Magrada Solid Linden Flower Shampoo, which supports hair growth and nourishes the scalp with much-needed active ingredients. Organic plant extracts, such as birch, linden flower, and aloe, promote hair growth and improve the elasticity of the strands.

It actually worked and I could not be more grateful! Estonia has its own products that are created in Estonia and natural. What more could anyone want? Now, I share this success story and my hair is growing faster than ever before. I have given this solid shampoo to my friends because it really works. After all, it also saved my hair from its sorry state. My crowning glory is now full of life, stronger, and glossy again!

Epp Kärsin

What do you see in your daily work that diminishes the attractiveness of women and men the most? How is it expressed?

One thing that depletes a person’s looks is a job that they do not love. It is equally destructive to women and men. The second factor that accelerates ageing is an unhappy relationship. When a relationship is not happy and people are miserable, it could age a person by a decade in a very short amount of time.

Whereas if a relationship is happy and deeply harmonious, then I can assure you that women grow younger, men become radiant, and life becomes much more wonderful. When someone is overweight, then the excess weight seems to melt away and the person radiates good energy! Naturally, lots of great enjoyable sex – that is the elixir of life!

Epp Kärsin

What is an indispensable part of your beauty routine?

I never go to bed wearing makeup! I always clean my skin thoroughly and massage my face. By the way, oral sex is the best way to keep your facial muscles toned – all muscle groups are involved and therefore tightened!

Skin care is the most important aspect for me. It is irreplaceable. I can see how women do not do anything special to care for their looks until they are 35 while Mother Nature still is merciful and there are no big changes in their looks yet. From there, we can see how a person has really cared for themselves and created a foundation, so to speak. When the foundation is weak, then the ageing process is quite rapid, hitting you like a truck. Everything affects it: the care routine, diet, sleep, feelings, products, emotions, self-love, relationships, work, etc. My goal is to stay young, healthy, thin, and in great shape so I am as fresh as a daisy for as long as possible. For this reason, my diet is super healthy. I eat high-quality foods and every bite is healthy and supports my body. I barely eat any sugar. I have biscuits, candies, and cake very rarely. As I am also sensitive to milk and lactose, my choices are extremely deliberate. I prefer dried fruits, nuts, and I make my own favourite dessert, which consists of coconut yoghurt, mango, and chia seeds.

Another great tip: I sleep on my back. I have been doing it since I was a teen after reading in Inna Tarmak’s book Kodune iluravi (Home Beauty Treatments) that women get wrinkles on their face and chest when sleeping on the side.

Naturally, bed linen must be the best – natural silk or a material that is as natural as possible. The quality of the pillow and the blanket matter too. How well we rest during the night is immediately visible in the morning. Sleep is extremely important and often underrated – our entire bodies are rejuvenated when we sleep!

What do you consider important in hair care?

For me, a drastic change happened when I stopped dyeing my hair and reduced the amount of heat that I used and started to use the Magrada Linden Flower Dry Shampoo and the Rhubarb Hair Mask. When I replaced my ordinary straightener with the Dyson Airwrap, I realised that I have lived in darkness. That was the best investment in my hair!

How does your care routine change with the seasons? Is it different in summer and in winter?

In summer, I naturally use sun screens. I never go out into the sun without it. In winter, I have more baths. I particularly like to use the Magrada Jasmine Bath Bombs. You light some candles and just love your life! In winter, I also use deeply moisturising creams.

Every 3 weeks, I have an appointment with a beautician. I have been doing this for the last 15 years. My beautician is excellent and she always gives me a breast massage. As far as I know, beauticians have been trained in breast massages. While you have your facial mask on, the beautician will pamper and massage your breasts with a nourishing cream. Breasts need great attention. Massage tones their skin and has an extremely therapeutic effect. I would like to send greetings to my excellent beautician Rita, whose soft hands make miracles!

Epp Kärsin

Wow, this is exciting! Could this be a part of your perfect self-care day? Or how would you describe your perfect day? What do you do to care for your beauty and wellness?

Of course. However, when it comes to my perfect self-care day – I visit a beautician regularly. I have been active in the beauty sector for over 15 years and have also taught this subject. I do all my manicures/pedicures myself because no one does it as perfectly as me! (laughs)

I have been to various manicurists but I cannot keep my opinions to myself and start to dish out instructions. I realise that this is the so-called professional cretinism. So I do it myself and keep my skills sharp. In addition, I have a couple of friends who come to me for manicures and I also take care of their eyebrows and cut their hair.

Only recently, I asked my friend whether his wife knows that he comes to me for manicures during his work days. He replied that his wife would not understand even if he told her about it. Dear women, pay attention to your men. They need care and attention too!

At least two or three times a month, I have a home beauty day for a whole body exfoliation, hair, body, and facial masks, and massaging with lotions – it takes me more than half a day. ‘I am primarily responsible for my looks!’ Epp laughs.

Epp Kärsin

What is the secret to the allure of a happy woman?

First and foremost, loving yourself! It is as simple as that! Loving yourself is where everything starts. That is not narcissism. When you love yourself and are loved, you can love and cherish others the same way. Everything is in reflection.

The secret of a happy woman is balance and self-awareness. Getting to know yourself in all your layers so you know who you are. Also, being prepared to accept yourself profoundly and exactly as you are.

‘I know that I am a very cool and amazing woman!’ Epp laughs. ‘You must not compare yourself to others or criticise and bash yourself. Let go of your fears and open you heart to real life because life has many gifts for you if you only can show gratitude and accept them with open arms. Some days, I shine. On other days, I dawdle and let myself be exactly as I am. I do not criticise myself.’

Our whole lives, we look for an answer to the question of who we are. When you become increasingly aware of that and realise that no one has to prove themselves, a great shift takes place in your consciousness and in how you perceive the world.

Naturally, a happy woman has a deep connection to her own sexuality and herself as a person. This will open all doors and gates!


A four hands massage is beneficial to the mind and the body!

An ideal beauty day definitely includes a massage. I have discovered that I enjoy four hands massages. Two powerful women massaging you together for a total of three hours. Every woman should receive a four hands massage once a month! Being touched by four gentle and warm hands at the same time is a spiritual experience. A massage is calming, healing, and relaxing and has an extremely positive effect on our mental health.

I know that I have come to this world to enjoy life and live my best life, so I am not willing to make concessions on any level. I am particularly demanding when it comes to taking care of my body because my beautiful soul desires a magnificent altar and my body is the altar to my soul!

This is why I know how to appreciate what I create and share with others. All aspects of life must have quality – your relationship to yourself and others, materials, products, self-care. In a word, everything!


Epp’s mission is to save the world with love! Find out about trainings and other events on the website www.eppkarsin.com

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